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Wuthering Heights (Level-6) - Emily Bronte - Beşir Kitabevi

Beşir Kitabevi

14 gün ücretsiz iade hakkı

Güvenli ödeme, güvenli alışveriş

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50 tl değerinde kupon kazan

500 TL ve Üzeri Kargo Bedava

Tahmini 3 iş günü içerisinde adresinde!

The Earnshaws and the Lintons are the two old, wealthy families settling İn countryside of Yorkshİre. Mr Earnshaw adopts a child called Heathcliff, vvithout knowinq that İn the future this child is going to be a great harm to both families. When ne grows enough and returns only to take revenge, ne has the power to beat his enemies. VVutherİng Heİghts is a novel that is based on this great revenge of Heathcliff and the eternal love of his, which İs the reason for his existence.

Yayinevi: Beşir Kitabevi
Yazar: Emily Bronte
Boyut: 13.50x19.50 cm
Sayfa: 85 sayfa
Kagit: 1. Hamur Kagit
Basim: Nisan 2013
