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Level-4: The Call of the Wild (Audio CD’li) - Jack London - Beşir Kitabevi

Beşir Kitabevi

14 gün ücretsiz iade hakkı

Güvenli ödeme, güvenli alışveriş

Orijinal ürün garantisi

50 tl değerinde kupon kazan

500 TL ve Üzeri Kargo Bedava

Tahmini 3 iş günü içerisinde adresinde!

Stolen from his pampered life on a Californian estate and shipped to the cold north of Canada Bucks new life is very hard. During his wild adventure he works as a sledge dog he meets dangerous men and dogs he must change to live. As the time passes by Buck triumphs over his circumstances but can he be the leader of the dog pack or can he learn to be happy Buck is now a different dog as he answers the call of the wild.

Yayinevi: Beşir Kitabevi
Yazar: Jack London
Boyut: 13.50x20.00 cm
Sayfa: 55 sayfa
Kagit: 1. Hamur Kagit
